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What We Do

What We Do

The Lesma Ellis Foundation is dedicated to advancing adolescents and senior citizens throughout rural and inner-city Jamaica through education, mentorship and social development. We strive towards making Jamaica a better place through our youths with the help of our sponsors and the members of our community.


The Lesma Ellis Foundation is committed to the educational advancement, social development, social well-being of adolescent and senior citizen men and women throughout inner-city and rural Jamaica by providing mentorship, guidance, encouragement and confidence in future leaders.


LEF Community development program is for the community to come together and take action on issues they feel that is important to them. LEF believes that all people within the community have access to education, medical health, and opportunity to ensure the community has a staple, throughout the Caribbean.


“The gap between male and female pay in Jamaica continues to shrink, but one should not expect gender parity in the island before the next 100 years, according to a new global report which ranks the island at 41 in the world. That’s little consolation for those currently experiencing wage disparity. The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 indicates that Jamaica scores poorly in the subcategory of ‘wage equality for similar work’ at 95 out of 153 nations”. 

Taken from a report done by The Jamaica Gleaner ( entitled “Jamaica To Close Gender Gap In 100 Years”, which speaks about gender inequality within workspaces among women. 

LEF believes that everyone, whether male or female should have equal access to education, job opportunities and proper health care. We value each life and sees each person equally despite their gender differences. Our dream is to see each gender being provided with equal opportunities throughout the world; partnering with other organizations to work towards this change.  


Every child regardless of age, gender, or disabiity, deserves the opportunity to a education. LEF will continue to work towards this goal so a child can achieve his/her goal, no child left behind is a key goal. LEF will partner with the Jamaica Education Board, the Carribbean, and Global Education partnership to ensure each and every child receive the education he/she deserves.


Young ladies and women feeling empowered to compete in a male dominated society. Being a female growing up in a male dominated world can be a stranious and a tiresome task, having to work twice as hard in the working world while still carrying out motherly and household task is not quite simple.


Join & partner with us, as we work towards providing mentorship, guidance, encouragement and confidence to our future leaders, the youths, within our local and international Jamaican communities.


“Some of the world’s biggest challenges can be solved by some of the world’s most marginalized communities themselves. The moment you inject information, education, and an entrepreneurial spark in a community, it gets empowered enough to inspire, build, and uplift itself.”

Sharad Vivek Sagar

Social impact can be defined as the net effect of an activity on a community and the well-being of individuals and families.

At LEF, we take a systems approach to improving social impact at the individual, family and community level. Our aim is committed to the educational advancement, social development and the well-being of adolescent, senior citizen, men and women throughout inner-city and rural Jamaica.

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